Sunday, September 19, 2010

Week 3- Ethics & Social Responsibility

Ethics and social responsibility are factors that play a large moral part in our society and everyday lives. They are also factors that establishments and corporations take very seriously and put time and thought into putting into action. Breitling takes part in both ethical behavior and social responsibility.

Breitling is a partner in the charity Winds Of Hope, A charity that’s focus is to fight human suffering and forgotten diseases all over the world. Many businesses get involved with charitable causes, which is an act that would fall under the social responsibility umbrella. The type of social responsibility that this particular company falls under would be “Corporate Social Responsibility” because they are helping a cause with no intention on profiting financially. I would also consider Breitling to be taking part in Ethical and Philanthropic responsibility.  Breitling not only funded the base capital of the charity organization but also regularly donates to the charities administrative account. 

More information on Winds Of Hope is available at

 Being that research has found that companies practicing ethical behavior can have a positive effect on consumer attitude towards purchasing, it is profitable for a “corporate social responsible” company like Breitling to be ethically aware and active even though their intention is not to practice Sustainability.

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